Fluid Mechanics combination of two words:

  1. Fluid.
  2. Mechanics.

Fluid: Any Substance/Matter which can flow That is called Fluid.

Flow: Changes of a Relative position of a particle of a matter with respect to time that is flow.

Now Matter or Substance are 3 types.
 1.Solid, 2.Liquid & 3.Gas.
Solids are not a fluid because its particle can not move with respect to time but,
In the case of liquid & Gas their particle able to move with respect to time.

Now let we know that when the flow is start then it will continuous.
Let we understand clearly: In the case of Breath when we release it then it will spread in our environment continuously.
So we called two matters are fluid 1. Liquid& 2. Gas.

Now let we know, what is the basics bullet points of fluid:

  1. Finite Mass.
  2. Does not have any certain shape. It occupies shape of vessel/thing. (let we understand clearly, when we take a glass of water then the water change its shape like a glass. In case of Gas also.)
  3. which can flow under its own weight.

Mechanics: It is study of force and force effect.

So Fluid Mechanics:
This is the study of effect on force of a fluid.

There are two types of fluid mechanics,

Fluid Static and Fluid Dynamics.

  1. Fluid Static: When the fluid is rest.
  2. Fluid  Dynamics: When the Fluid is Motion

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