
"Environment" word came from "Environ" which is a French word.

Environment: It is considered as the sub total of all living and non living interacting components influences even surrounding an organism.

There are two types of components.
Living(Biotic: plants, animals, microorganism).
Non living(Abiotic).

E.S. is a Multidisciplinary subject.

There are three types of Environment.

  1. Physical Environment
  2. Biological Environment.
  3. Social Environment.

1.Physical Environment:

It consist Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere, Biosphere.

  • Atmosphere: Social Environment.

In our Homosphere there are three layers.

  1. Troposphere.
  2. Stratosphere.
  3. Mesosphere.

  • Hydrosphere:

97% water in our ocean.
Less than 1% for drink(0.62%) we could use.
Lithosphere- Hard Particle.
Biosphere- Micro organism.

2.Biological Environment:

Plant, Animals & Micro-organisms.

3.Social Environment:

Political issues, Economic and cultural issues.

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